
Protect every journey

My Journey with British Transport Police: From PCSO to Sergeant


My Journey with British Transport Police: From PCSO to Sergeant

Starting as a Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) with the British Transport Police was the beginning of an incredibly fulfilling journey. As a PCSO, I was the face of the community, engaging with the public, staff, providing reassurance, and ensuring the safety of passengers and staff across the railway network. It was a role that taught me the importance of community policing and laid the foundation for my career within the BTP.

Embracing the PCSO Role

My days as a PCSO were diverse and active. From conducting visible patrols at busy train stations to assisting in investigations, every day brought new challenges and learning opportunities. The hands-on experience in community engagement, victim care, building and strengthening relationships and being the eyes and ears of the community. I developed strong communication and problem-solving skills, which are crucial in policing.

The support and training provided by BTP were exceptional. I was encouraged to continually learn and improve, attending workshops and training sessions that enhanced my knowledge and skills. The friendship among colleagues and the sense of making a difference in the community kept me motivated and passionate about my work.

Transitioning to Police Constable (PC)

After gaining significant experience and confidence as a PCSO, I decided to take the next step and applied to become a Police Constable. The transition was both exciting and challenging. As a PC, my responsibilities expanded, and I was involved in more complex investigations, arrests, and crime prevention initiatives. The role required a deeper understanding of policing, critical thinking, and quick decision-making.

The training program for new PCs prepared me well for the demands of the job. I learned advanced policing techniques, forensic investigation methods, and legal procedures. The mentorship from experienced officers was incredibly beneficial, guiding me through the transition and helping me adapt to the new role.

Promotion to the Rank of Sergeant

My journey didn't stop there. With dedication, hard work, and the continuous support from the BTP, I aspired to further advance my career. After several years of serving as a PC, I undertook the Sergeant exam and passed. This promotion was a significant milestone, marking my growth and commitment to the force.

As a Sergeant, I now lead a team of officers, oversee operations, and ensure that our policing strategies align with BTP's priorities and objectives. My role involves mentoring junior officers, managing incidents, and promoting a positive and collaborative team environment. The leadership skills I developed as a PCSO and PC have been instrumental in my success as a Sergeant.

The move into Recruitment.

I have always been passionate about recruitment and deeply care about the British Transport Police. Attracting top talent and recruiting the best officers and staff to drive change and promote our unique identity is something I am truly dedicated to. I have thoroughly enjoyed bridging the gap between the operational officer world and the staff world. As the overseer of the officer recruitment team, we are making significant strides to improve our processes and aim to become the world's leading police force. I find great motivation in this role and am embracing the challenge with enthusiasm.

Reflecting on My Journey

Looking back, my journey from a PCSO to a Sergeant has been incredibly rewarding. Each step of the way, BTP has provided me with the tools, training, and support needed to excel. The diverse experiences, from community engagement to complex investigations, have shaped me into a well-rounded officer capable of making a significant impact.

For anyone considering a career with BTP, I can confidently say that the opportunities for growth and development are limitless. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards of serving and protecting the community are immeasurable. If you have the passion, dedication, and a desire to make a difference, BTP is the place to be.

Click here for a list of roles we are currently recruiting for. 

Category: PCSO, PC, Sergeant